
“The mantra is not an arbitrary set of syllables, and no amount of secondary meaning built onto a set of arbitrary syllables will make it a mantra. The mantra is a powerful vehicle you hop on and ride straight into enlightenment.”

– Paul Muller-Ortega

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

– Nikola Tesla

Mantra Chanting

Chanting (repetitive singing) is a practice found in most spiritual traditions. It is the musical repetition of the names of the Divine in this tradition.

Chanting mantra in Sanskrit is called Namasankirtana. Mantra chanting, done in a group, is often accompanied by instruments. Sanskrit mantras are also used for japa practice, the murmuring repetition of the mantra and - repeated internally - for meditation.

To chant, you don't need any experience, skill or knowledge in chanting.

You want to learn mantras? You want to chant mantras at your event, retreat or yoga lesson and need support? Then contact me. Or meet me here: STAMBHA-Tunes Circle in Zurich, Switzerland (in-person + online) or as a guest musician with

May these mantras support you on your path. May they help you deal with obstacles, connect with your divine self, and harness the fire of transformation. Mantras are nourishing nectar for your self-healing and the healing of others. And I hope you have as much fun listening and singing along as I did recording.


Ft. Feenkönigin

OM or AUM is a Bija Mantra, a “seed-mantra”. Om is the primordial sound of creation. In ancient indian scriptures (Upanishads, the Bhagvad Gita etc.) the mantra is considered to be the primal sound of the universe, encompassing all other sounds within it. It is the original vibration of the universe from which all other sounds emerge.

Scientific studies suggest that the mental repetition of OM reduces physiological alertness, increased sensitivity as well as synchronicity of certain biorhythms, and an increased sensitivity to sensory perceptions.

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Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu


May all beings, everywhere, be free and happy OM peace peace

Lokah means the world, but it can refer to any world or realm or universe. Its meaning isn’t just limited to our planet earth. Loka is the origin of the word location. Samastah means the whole or the entire. In this sentence, it is a descriptor of the word loka or world. Sukhino is from the word sukha or sukhin, which means happiness or joy. Bhavantu means “may everyone.” This is the verb in the sentence and it is in its imperative form, meaning that its indication is forceful and intense, not to be taken lightly. It functions more as a command than a request.

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Support mantra.sounds by purchasing the recording here and it's yours forever.

5 Elements


The five elements are earth (Prithvi), water (Ap/Jala), fire (Agni/Tejas), air or wind (Vayu) and space (Akasha). Each element has its own seed mantra (bija mantra). These mantras are LAM for earth, VAM for water, RAM for fire, YAM for air and HAM for space.

The elements are closely linked to the chakras. Thus, in the most commonly used chakra system today, the element earth is associated with the root center (Muladhara Chakra), water with the sacral center (Svadhisthana Chakra), fire with the solar plexus center (Manipura Chakra), air with the heart center (Anahata Chakra), and space with the throat center (Vishuddha Chakra).

You can use this recording to connect the elements with your chakras like planting the element into the chakra by focusing on the chakra or visualizing it while chanting the corresponding seed mantra with me.

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Ganesha Invocation (Om Vakratunda Mahakaya)


O Lord Ganesha, the one with curved torso and huge body, shining like billions of suns. O God, may it please you to remove all obstacles in all the activities I undertake.

Ganesha is the Lord of obstacles. He creates and removes obstacles and thus teaches us how to deal with them.

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Savriti Gayatri Mantra

Om bhur bhuvah suvah, tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

Invocation: om (the primal sound), bhur (the physical world, earth), bhuvah (the mental world, atmosphere), suvah (the spiritual world, heaven)

"May we meditate on the beautiful radiance of the deity called the Rejuvenator or the Vivifier (the deity of the rising and setting sun), and may that deity inspire our thoughts and meditations and impel us forward on our path."

This is one of the oldest mantras / prayers (3rd book of the Rig Veda, ca. 1800 BC) that is still being used today and has been in continuous usage for that entire time, so for almost 4000 years.

Available on all streaming platforms: Spotify Apple Music YouTube Music SoundCloud Amazon Music etc.

Support mantra.sounds by purchasing the recording here and it's yours forever.

Neelakantha Mantra


With this mantra we honor our essence and everything that comes to manifestation with and through the power of this essence.

We honor the teacher within ourselves and in everything and everyone around us. We honor the teacher in every situation and circumstance.

We honor the auspicious beauty in everything and everyone.

Available on all streaming platforms: Spotify Apple Music YouTube Music SoundCloud Amazon Music etc.

Support mantra.sounds by purchasing the recording here and it's yours forever.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (Om Tryambakam)


Om. We honor the three-eyed Shiva, who is fragrant and nourishes all living beings. May he free us from death and make us ripe to attain immortality, just as a ripe gourd falls off the plant.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, also known as the Tryambakam Mantra, is a verse of the Rigveda. It is a mantra for overcoming fear, not least the fear of death. Thus, it is the great nectar mantra that overcomes death. In case of sorrow, grief or illness, this powerful mantra can be used for healing.

Available on all streaming platforms: Spotify Apple Music YouTube Music SoundCloud Amazon Music etc.

Support mantra.sounds by purchasing the recording here and it's yours forever.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Ganesha is the Lord of obstacles. He moves and removes obstacles and thus teaches us how to deal with them. He is also the guardian and protector of thresholds and boundaries. This mantra comes from the Ganapati Upanishad, a long scripture from the Vedas that deals with Ganesha. Om represents the divine in the form of sound. It is the universal sound, the sound of creation itself. Gam and Ganapati are other names for Ganesha. The suffix 'aye' (Ganapataye) means something is for or to Ganapati. Namaha means greeting, I bow to you. So the mantra means "I bow to Lord Ganesha" or "I salute Lord Ganesha".

Available on all streaming platforms: Spotify Apple Music YouTube Music SoundCloud Amazon Music etc.

Support mantra.sounds by purchasing the recording here and it's yours forever.

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