about me
Born in January 1966, my journey of self-discovery began in my adolescence. I asked myself questions such as: Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? What do I truly want to achieve? What does freedom mean? And what does it take to make the world a better place? These explorations sparked a lifelong curiosity that led me in many different directions. Yet, certain fields and passions have remained constant and central throughout my life: personal growth and self-awareness, perception and communication, music, writing and fine arts, body movement and healing, practical philosophy and spirituality – and the joy of cooking.
As a body therapist, I aim to support the beings I am with through touch in releasing both physical and emotional tension. My goal is to create a safe and nurturing space where healing can happen – a space where boundaries can be expanded and where people can lovingly reconnect with their bodies. Through movement, they can experience the inherent wisdom their bodies hold.
Over time, I have developed a holistic approach and a comprehensive method that integrates my extensive knowledge and experience from various disciplines, including manual techniques, energetic work, yoga, martial arts, and Spiral Dynamics.
I feel immense gratitude for the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with others. For many years, I have been passionately teaching massage, applied anatomy, and yoga.
Music has always been a central and foundational part of my life. In my youth, I began playing various instruments and singing in bands. Today, music remains an essential part of my life. The discovery of mantras has opened an entirely new universe for me, adding a profound new dimension to my spiritual practice and deepening my understanding of sound as a transformative and healing force.
Nothing has such a subtle yet profound impact on all levels of my being and every aspect of my life as Neelakantha Meditation.
Peter Stalder

Medical Massage Therapist eidg. FA
Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance YT 500)
Adult educator
Teacher at der STAMBHA Life Academy
Teacher for Massage (Prävensana, Bodyfeet)
Esalen Massage Practitioner
Specialist Spiraldynamic Basic
Myofascial Release Practicioner
Reiki 3. degree